Saifu Wallet
2 min readJun 6, 2022
Saifu 1.3
Saifu 1.3

Saifu Wallet for Solana version 1.3 just landed and brings heaps of smaller improvements.

UI-vise, We further faded the colorful gradient look in favor of a sleek and stylish card-based layout that gives you a better overview over your assets in less wasted space.

New UI
New UI

Saifu aims to be the go-to wallet for Power-Users, and for that we included another exciting improvement: A better full-screen! This is the first step towards providing a better desktop experience, because who wants to do complex asset analysis on a small popup?

The new Fullscreen
The new Fullscreen

Utilizing the bigger screen size, the activity list will try to parse transaction metadata and show you token differences (if available) while in fullscreen view.

Speaking of power-features — custom RPCs and networks are here! This is something that got requested a couple times and we’re happy to announce that Saifu is now one of the 2 Solana wallets that allows configuring network settings with custom RPCs (the other one being sollet). No need to rely on the mainnet-beta RPCs anymore.

Custom RPC selector
Custom RPC selector

Saifu 1.3 also ships with a built-in network selector to localhost, to make development against a local test validator easier.

Saifu will automatically update to 1.3 over the coming days. If you have any feedback or thoughts for us, join our discord and help shape the future of Saifu.

Saifu Wallet

Saifu Wallet — the extensible web3 wallet in your browser